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Back in Black

Back in Black

Regular price $75.00
Regular price Sale price $75.00
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Bon Scott's untimely death led to a recruitment drive that resulted in Brian Johnson taking over lead vocal duties on "Acca Dacca's" most successful album ever. His voice sounds like what I'm sure razor blades would sound like - after an all nighter on Jack Daniels and Marlboro Heavies. The peak of Malcolm and Angus Young's hard rock formula, the classics are all through this. Grief metamorphosed into decade defining rock and roll.

1. Hells Bells
2. Shoot to Thrill
3. What Do You Do for Money Honey
4. Given the Dog a Bone
5. Let Me Put My Love into You
6. Back in Black
7. You Shook Me All Night Long
3. Have a Drink on Me
4. Shake a Leg
5. Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution

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